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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Elena Martín Martín

Doctor of Fine Arts (special doctoral prize) from the Complutense University in Madrid. Her thesis was entitled Oteiza y la estatuaria de Arantzazu, 1950-1969, 1950-1969. Fundamentos técnicos y evolutivos entre la obra religiosa y la escultura moderna (Oteiza and the statuary of Arantzazu, 1950-1969: Technical and evolutionary foundations in religious work and modern sculpture). Since 2003 she has headed the conservation department of the Oteiza museum, helping to catalogue, produce exhibitions, publish, curate and run research projects. In 2019 she curated the exhibitions which, under the title Oteiza y la estatuaria de Arantzazu 1950-1969 (Oteiza and the statuary of Arantzazu), commemorated the 50th anniversary of the installation of Oteiza's work on the façade of the Basilica of Arantzazu, at the Oteiza museum in (Alzuza, Navarra) and at Gandiaga Topagunea (Arantzazu, Gipuzkoa).

The Programme is being prepared