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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Thinking the city

Thinking the city is an exhibition and citizen participation project that invites us to think about the transformation and future of cities in terms of environmental sustainability and social urbanism.

It is a call to citizens to position themselves as an active agent in the construction of cities that are more livable, more resilient and less hostile. It is a starting point to rethink ourselves in relation to the spaces we inhabit, a tool to transform them and a collaborative and plural look on architecture, urbanism, well-being and ecology.

Cities are complex ecosystems that must integrate, both in their social, urban, economic, cultural, political and labor dimensions, all their citizens, taking into account their diversity and their life cycle.

For this, we have designed dynamics of citizen participation with various institutions, groups and associations of the city with which to respond jointly to the present and future challenges of our cities.

Thinking about the city is a journey through those reflections, wishes, challenges and proposals for the transformation of the city of the 21st century.

Organizer: Museum Cemento Rezola and K6 Gestión Cultural

Collaborators: Atzegi, Iza I Matia Fundazioa, elkartu, urbanbat, Club Del Jubilado Gure Kabia, Amassorrain ikastola, Axular Lizeoa, Altza SJC - Altza Herri Ikastetxea, Colegio público Zuhaizti

Sponsors: Basque Government and Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa


Museum Cemento Rezola


04-11-2021 / 26-03-2022


Tuesday to Saturday: 10:00 – 14:00


The Programme is being prepared